The Way We Work
Apricot Well-being is a Community Interest Company that:
- Works in a commercial capacity with individuals
- Commercially delivers specific subjects in the form of workshops providing insight into what coaching can achieve
- Works with groups of people so that they share and develop strategies for their well-being
- Socially attract grant funding to focus on community groups and individuals with social needs
The Directors of Apricot Well-being:
- Have a strong belief in the power of the individual to succeed.
- Recognise the power of groups in being able to share and develop personal strategies.
- Have knowledge and skills that cut across the well-being spectrum that have been harnessed over 20 years.
- Are motivated ourselves by the positive changes that people make in their lives and the stories they tell.
- Have a storybook of positive experiences about how people can transform their lives for the better.
As we progress:
Moving from negative behaviours and emotions to Personal Empowerment.
- We want to use the monies gained commercially to be reinvested in the company so that we can benefit communities directly without having to seek grant funding.
- We want to demonstrate the real power of being a community interest company.
- We want to be recognised for our business model, and the public to be truly inspired by the stories we give.
The Coach
Our coach is neither a therapist, nor a friend. We are here to serve you and empower you to achieve that which you want for your life. We understand that you need to choose the right coach for you, so please feel free to take advantage of our ½ hour free consultation session and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Creating a genuine human connection is key to our success.
The Conversation
Transformational life coaching is a conversation-based approach to moving someone from where they are to where they want to be. Along the way, it creates clarity of purpose and direction, challenges your limiting beliefs and self-talk, and encourages people to move towards successful resolution of their issues, challenges and opportunities.